Sweet Blush™ Bouquet
"176340 Sweet Blush™ Bouquet
EXCLUSIVE Sweet-meets-modern for the perfect any-reason surprise. Our new bouquet is filled with blush-colored blooms, hand designed in our modern, white geo vase. Flaunting a sleek satin finish, its faceted ceramic design adds contrast and style, while making someone you care about smile.
• All-around arrangement with light pink roses, pink Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria), white carnations; accented with baby’s breath, silver dollar eucalyptus and assorted greenery
• Artistically designed in our modern, white geo vase; features a faceted, satin-finished surface; measures 5""H x 6""D
• Large arrangement measures approximately 9.5""H x 8.5""W
• Medium arrangement measures approximately 9""H x 8""W
• Small arrangement measures approximately 8.5""H x 7.5""W
• Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
• Peruvian lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty over the next 2-3 days"
Order by 1:00 PM CST for same day pickup or delivery!
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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